Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nursing - patient with copd and vascular dementia scenario Essay

Nursing - patient with copd and vascular dementia scenario - Essay Example Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) COPD generally refers to a condition wherein the airways are destroyed, narrowing the airways and eventually obstructing the air flow, impairing gas exchange. This condition is a combination of chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. It is an irreversible, incurable, progressive but a preventable condition (Black & Hawks, 2005; British Lung Foundation, 2007). It is estimated that 3.7 million people in the United Kingdom are suffering form COPD, while only 900,000 are currently diagnosed, leaving the remaining 2.8 million unaware of their disease (British Lung Foundation, 2007), while 25 million in the United States (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2009). Among those who are greater than or equal to 65 years old, the occurrence is estimated to be 34 out of 1000 (Torres & Moayedi, 2007). These values tend to increase over time due to increased tobacco consumption worldwide. COPD ranks from fourth to sixth as the leading cause of sickness and death worldwide (Mathers & Loncar, 2006; Viegi et al, 2007). According to Berry and Wise (2010), mortality can be predicted by the values of forced expiratory volume in one second, ratio of inspiratory and total lung capacities, and the BODE index (body mass index, obstruction, dyspnea and exercise capacity). Despite the severity of this condition, it is frequently under-diagnosed and under-treated (Viegi et al, 2007). Almost all cases of COPD developed symptoms, more than half manifests productive cough and half of the cases passed the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease criteria for emphysema (Lundback et al, 2003). Age, gender, race, smoking history, blood type, alpha1-antitrypsin variation, socioeconomic status, occupation, pollution exposure and infections are the known risk factors for developing COPD (Cohen et al, 1977). Race is also a factor in developing COPD, wherein whites has an odds ratio of 3.1 in dying from this condition (Meyer et al, 2002) though African Americans appear to be more susceptible to the effects of COPD than whites (Chatila et al, 2004). Among those risk factors, smoking is the most prominent cause of COPD. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 40% to 74% who die from COPD are smokers (Mannino & Buist, 2007). Meyer et al (2002) reveals more than 80% of deaths from those who experienced smoking before and during COPD morbidity, while the odds ratio of those who currently smokes versus those who stopped smoking are 6.5 and 3.7 respectively. Aside from irritants from smoking, occupational-related vapours, gas, dust and fumes exposure is also a risk in developing COPD (Blanc et al, 2009). The numerous irritants, either from cigarette smoke or from environmental pollution, stimulate inflammatory response along the bronchi and the alveoli. The COPD-related effects of this response are increased mucus production and the release of protease and elastase, enzymes that can damage the lung’ s connective tissues. Without adequate alpha1-antitrypsin to counteract the effects of these enzymes, tissue destruction will be progressive. This destruction collapses the alveoli, allowing air pockets to form between the alveolar spaces. The elasticity of the alveolar walls is also altered, making expiration more difficult. These air pockets increase the lung area that cannot facilitate gas and blood exchange, thus this is where the manifestations of emphysema set in. As the gas

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Holiday Blues Essay Example for Free

Holiday Blues Essay Holidays filled with fun, family outings, shopping, Christmas Trees, and bringing in the New Year. It is not always like this for others. Holidays can be a very depressing time for others. When families get together you might want to pay attention to that loved one that maybe still grieving or going through lifes blows. It is hard to get into the grove of things when you look around and see that their is someone missing this year. Life is not the same without that person or persons. You are not so happy about another year going by and you havent made any significant progress in your life. It seems that nothing anyone can do to get you over this silent pain you are going through. Counseling could be one way of coping with this loss and trying to fill this void in ones life. Anti-depressants is another alternative. The best way I have found to beat the blues in combination of the above,if that is needed, is to bring yourself back to something you love to do. Be it listening to music, writing memoirs, singing, going out to a comedy. Just get yourself involved and loose yourself in your favorite past time to help alleviate the pressure. Remember not everyone is happy during the holidays. Try and look out for one another. You never know; all that person really needs to know is that someone has noticed them and had shown them that they really care. It is not only the teenagers we need to watch. We also need to watch the people that fall within the middle age group. So during the holiday fun and cheer look around to notice others that are not so happy. Cheer them up and show them that you care.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF)

Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) The objectives of this study were to determine the reliability and validity of a Malay-version questionnaire Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF) among respondents. METHODS Participant Target population for this study is primiparous mothers who gave birth to a single, healthy, term infant who were planning on breastfeeding were eligible to participate in this study. The study applied convenience sampling, in which researcher recruited volunteer primiparous mother who have delivered baby and hospitalized at postnatal ward, Hospital USM between one to three days. Mothers were excluded if they had a factor that could significantly interfere with breastfeeding, such as a mother whose illness, have maternity complication or infant admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the infant had a condition that prevented ingestion of breast milk via the breast such as cleft palate. Sample Size For the sample size, the study needed 38 of respondents to validate the questionnaire base on the internal consistency of the items from previous study. Cronbachs alpha will be used to measure reliability because it is the most common form of internal consistency reliability coefficient. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the items from previous study was 0.89 (Wutke, Dennis, 2006). The sample size was determined by using Stats ToDo software. The questionnaire will be administered to primiparous mothers which breastfed their baby after delivered to one week postpartum. Sample size calculation where; Type I Error (ÃŽ ±) = 0.05 Cronbachs Alpha expected or required = 0.8 Power (1-ÃŽ ²) = 0.8 Testing Null Hypothesis against Ref Alpha of = 0.6 Number of items = 14 Delta (ÃŽ ´= (1-Ref Alpha) / (1 Alpha)) = 2 Sample size required = 38 Instrument Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale The confidence level will be measured by using the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form (BSES-SF) which was adapted from a previous study (Dennis, 1999, 2003) with the permission from the author. The BSES-SF is used to assess breastfeeding confidence among mothers intending to breastfeed and has had extensive use and evaluation in a wide variety of settings and populations (Dai Dennis, 2003; Dennis, 1999; Dennis, 2002; Dennis, 2003; Dennis, Hodnett, Gallop, Chalmers, 2002). Breastfeeding confidence and self-efficacy have sometimes been used interchangeably in prior literature. For the purposes of this study, the term of â€Å"confidence† is preferred. It is a 14 item self-report instrument developed to measure a mother’s perceived ability to breastfeed her infant. All items are preceded by the phrase â€Å"I can always†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and use a five-point Likert scale for rating from 1 (â€Å"not at all confident†) to 5 (â€Å"always confident†). Items ratings will be summed to produce a total score from 14 to 70, with higher scores indicating higher confidence. The means score points will be used as the cut-off point between high and low scorers. This instrument is based on the breastfeeding self-efficacy theory, and was synthesized from a longer tool. It has been utilized in women as early as 36 weeks gestation and found to predict breastfeeding continuation up to three months postpartum. Dennis, (2003) who also were using the BSES-SF, found that BSES-SF was a good measurement tool for evaluating breastfeeding self-efficacy. The original BSES-SF (English version), the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the items is 0.89 (Wutke Dennis, 2006). This questionnaire will take about six to ten minutes to fill up. Translation process The Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form (BSES-SF) in English version will be translated into national language which is Malay language in order to help the respondent understand the questions. The translation was done by two people who are experts in both English and Malay language using back translation technique. The questionnaire was sent to linguistic department and two bilingual experts were invited in translation process. Back translation is the process of translating a document that has already been translated into a foreign language back to the original language. Thus, through the translation and back-translation process and expert review, minor alterations were made to the instrument to improve clarity and eliminate cultural bias and translation inaccuracies. Then, the content and face validity will be done. VALIDITY TEST Content validity Validityis theabilityof aninstrumenttomeasurewhatit is supposedtomeasure. This questionnaire has been validated by five experts from; obstetrics and gynecology specialist, midwifery, and health education, linguistics and statistician to determine the validity of the content. The experts were invited to review, evaluated and provide feedback on the content of each BSES-SF item. This is to comply with the recommendations Sekaran which is to ensure reliability, the question shall be given to the experts made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the correction and evaluation called Expert Judgment Validity (Sekaran, 2005). Based on this evaluation, five modifications were made: (1) the item â€Å"I can always motivate myself to breastfeed successfully† was changed to â€Å"I can always motivate myself to do well at breastfeeding,† (2) the item â€Å"I can always breastfeed my baby without using formula as a supplement† was changed to â€Å"I can exclusively breastfed my baby without using formula as a supplement to at least 4 months,† (3) the item â€Å"I can always refrain from bottle feeding for the first 4 weeks† was changed to â€Å"I can refrain from exclusively bottle feeding for the first month,† (4) the item â€Å"I can always feed my baby with breast milk only† was changed to â€Å"I can always feed my baby with breast milk only for at least 4 months,† and (5) the item â€Å"I can always keep feeling that I really want to breastfeed my baby for at least 6 weeks† was changed to â€Å"I can always keep feeling that I really want to breastfeed my baby for at least one and a half months.† The modified instrument was presented to the experts a final time and after several discussions, all items were considered relevant to Malay speaking mothers. Face validity Finally, the translated BSES-SF was administered to five respondents which are primiparous mothers who have breastfeed their baby and hospitalized at postnatal ward during the first to three days postpartum. This recruitment as a part of this study to identify the problems in the translated questionnaire. This method requires researchers to ask participants to rephrase the items using their own words immediately after answering the items. Respondent’s suggestions for the improvement of the questions were noted and were being analyzed and discussed with the experts. This allows the researchers to assess whether respondents understand the items totally as well as to evaluate the comprehension and readability of the Malay BSES-SF version. PILOT TEST AND RELIABILITY TEST Results from content and face validity actually improve the items in the questionnaire to be applied in this study. After making improvements, the questionnaire was done a pilot study on 30 respondents at postnatal ward, Hospital USM to test the reliability of the questionnaire. RESULT Internal Consistency Reliability of instrument refers to the extent to which an instruments score is consistent or stable (Ananda, 2007). Reliability is obtained when the same result each time the test is made. Thus, the reliability of the instrument can be defined as a standard of measurement that is free from error in which they give consistent answers. According to Sekaran (2005), the closer to 1.0 Coefficient of reliability, the reliability is higher. Generally, reliability of less than 0.60 can be defined reliability is low, in the range of 0.70 if it is acceptable, while above 0.80 indicates higher reliability. Therefore, the questionnaire in this study can be categorized as good and reliable for use in this study. The IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21 was used for statistical analysis. Results of a pilot study of 30 respondents are as follows: The internal consistency of the translated BSES-SF was evaluated by considering the following: (1) item summary statistics; (2) inter- item correlations; (3) corrected item-total correlations; (4) Cronbach’s alpha coefficient; and (5) the alpha estimate when an item was deleted (Strickland,1996). Poorly functioning items were defined as (1) items that when deleted increased the alpha coefficient by more than 0.10 or (2) items that had a corrected item-total correlation less than 0.30. Cronbach’s alpha for the translated BSES-SF was 0.87; there was no increase of more than 0.10 in Cronbach’s alpha with removal of any item. The Cronbach’s alpha estimated when an item was dropped from the scale ranged from .86 to .87. All corrected item-total correlations were positive ,the lowest item-total correlation was 0.37 and the highest was 0.73, with 92.8 %, falling within the recommended range of 0.30–0.70. The mean BSES-SF score was 56.74 (SD _7. 01). The ov er all item mean was 4.05, ranging from 3.74 to 4.39. The item variance mean was 0.65, ranging from 0.35 to 0.96. Table 1: Reliability Statistics Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form (BSES-SF) Cronbachs Alpha N of Items .877 14 Table 2: Item Corrected Item-Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted Saya sentiasa dapat memastikan bayi saya mendapat susu yang mencukupi .376 .876 Saya sentiasa dapat mengatasi masalah penyusuan sepertimana tugasan mencabar yang lain .586 .867 Saya sentiasa dapat memberikan susu ibu kepada bayi saya tanpa menggunakan susu formula sebagai makanan tambahan .500 .871 Saya sentiasa boleh memastikan mulut bayi saya sentiasa melekap dengan betul bagi keseluruhan tempoh penyusuan .543 .868 Saya sentiasa dapat menguruskan situasi penyusuan dengan rasa puas hati .595 .866 Saya sentiasa mampu menyusu bayi walaupun bayi saya sedang menangis .729 .859 Saya sentiasa mempunyai keinginan untuk menyusukan bayi .446 .873 Saya sentiasa dapat menyusu bayi dengan selesa walaupun dengan kehadiran ahli keluarga yang lain .472 .872 Saya sentiasa berpuas hati dengan pengalaman penyusuan saya .565 .868 Saya sentiasa dapat menerima hakikat bahawa penyusuan anak memang mengambil masa yang lama .453 .873 Saya sentiasa dapat menghabiskan penyusuan bayi dengan satu payu dara sebelum beralih kepada payudara yang satu lagi .531 .869 Saya sentiasa dapat menyusukan bayi setiap kali waktu penyusuan .605 .865 Saya sentiasa memenuhi keinginan bayi saya apabila dia ingin menyusu .586 .866 Saya sentiasa tahu apabila bayi saya sudah habis menyusu .640 .864 Table 3: Mean Minimum Maximum Range Maximum / Minimum Variance Item Means 4.053 3.737 4.395 .658 1.176 .030 Item Variances .652 .353 .956 .602 2.704 .027 Inter-Item Correlations .340 -.018 .683 .701 -38.161 .020 Table 4: Statistics for Scale N Mean Variance SD 14 56.74 49.064 7.005 Procedures After university and hospital ethics was obtained, eligible mothers were recruited in hospital from the postnatal ward by a researcher. Potential participants were identified by the researcher at 1 to 3 days postpartum from the registry book in the postnatal ward. The eligible participants who are willing to participate in this study has been approached, they will be given further explanation clearly to understand the aims of the study. Once the participant expressed an interest and willingness to participate, they will be provided with inform consent, which is must be documented and signed. After that, finalize translated BSES-SF Malay questionnaire was administered to the participants as soon as possible after respondent agreed and volunteer to answer the questions. The respondents were given self-administered questionnaires and the researcher will be waiting until respondents completed answer the questions and the completed answer questionnaire were collected back at the same time after the respondent has finished answering all the questions. Limitation of the study It is a pilot study, so the small number of samples is the most limitation of the study. DISCUSSION Psychometrics properties The results from this methodological study are consistent with the original study (Dennis Faux, 1999) and provide evidence that the translated BSES is a reliable measure of BSE among a representative sample of Malay women in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. The Cronbach’s a was .88, exceeding the recommended a for established instruments (Nunnally Bernstein, 1994). CONCLUSION The BSES-SF Malay version is reliable and valid for assessing mothers’ breastfeeding confidence. 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Thus â€Å"in the thinking about post-conflict reconstruction it is that policy oriented work, which primarily reflects an institutional capacity approach to state development†¦this state will have a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence, maintain public order, generate employment, stabilize the economy, and provide essential services†( Krasner 2010:6). This gives insight that institutions in their premises posses legitimate and authoritative power to govern. Imposed in proper way, trained and informed, this state settlement is licensed to implement new political agenda. Solely they consist tools and methods to implemented new codes of conduct and make civil society more effective. Economic growth mainly depends on their accuracy and effectiveness. Recapitulate, indeed institutions should be taken as primary concern in state building process before any upcoming change. Arguing about democracy, it is seen as exogenous phenomena which certainly deems most appropriate political settlement for the country but according to above mentioned, it cannot operate without beforehand installation of good endogenous components-institutions. Recommendation that strikes from above mentioned is that at most basic level democracies and capitalism presuppose a functioning of state apparatus but in state building agenda which is oriented solely toward promotion of democratization and marketization in intuitionally weak post-conflict environments is counterproductive.(Paris 2004:205). Paris in this regard proposes strategy IBL that addresses to phenomenon of institutionalization, hence advantages of installing proper institutions before liberalizing the field. The dilemma of IBL (Institutionalization before Liberalization) IBL solution and its p... ...nce, on one side the actions taken by UN peace mission come up to $19.9 billion and on the other side during same period costs up to $6.9 trillion were used for military enforcement in different parts of the world, which when it comes to costs and values of human lives neglects the fact of lavish international assistance in terms of state building process.(Paris 2004: 211). From this derives that all this dangers could be easily maneuvered with patient and prioritized actions. Ultimately by promoting† gradual controlled liberalization combined with the immediate construction of domestic institutions that are capable of managing destabilizing effects of democratization and marketization†, IBL strategy seems more compatible and harmless for state building process.(Paris 2004:211). As such prioritization of actions encountered under its umbrella should be considered.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fast food persuasive essay Essay

Imagine a world full of fast food restaurants. No more needs for salad, just hamburgers and fries. We aren’t at this point but we are going there with the fact that the amount of fast food restaurants went up with 300% the past few years. The amount of obese children has gone up, unlike their life span which is going down with every visit to the McDonald’s or the Burger King. Kids aren’t realizing what they are eating, and what they should be eating. I don’t blame them, with the amount of advertisements and restaurants, it’s hard to resist. One of the main reasons this is happening is because kids & teens don’t know what they are eating. As they put that burger to there mouth they tell themselves;† There’s tomato and lettuce in here, it’s not that bad†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . They are missing the trans fat filled sauces and the oil fried hamburger. These kinds of foods have no vitamins and lack of nutrition. We don’t know the science behind these foods, what they put in them or how they make them. There’s been a tremendous amount of controversy over McDonald’s burgers since celebrity chef Jamie Oliver demonstrated how meat scraps and sinew are spun in a centrifuge and â€Å"washed† with ammonium hydroxide, which has also become known as † HYPERLINK â€Å"† â€Å"_blank† Pink Slime.â€Å" This chemical is used in fertilizers and cleaning products. According to Oliver it is used in 70 percentages of ground beef in the United States but does not require inclusion on ingredient lists because the US Department of Agriculture classifies it as a â€Å"process† not an â€Å"ingredient† even though residues of this process are left behind in the meat consumed. He says, †Basically, we‘re taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.† Thanks to the amount of fa st food restaurants there has bin a growth of fast food consumers has gone up with larger numbers than ever before. More restaurants are selling and more people are buying. This year, there were 160,0000 fast food restaurants counted in America. This is 10,0000 more than last year.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Maths in Everyday Life Essay

You may find yourself wondering what use we have for some of the knowledge we obtain from math class in school. It is sometimes difficult for students to appreciate the importance of Mathematics. They often find the subject boring and hard to understand. With this project we will hopefully help our students realize that Mathematics is not just a subject on their time-table but a tool they use in their everyday life. â€Å"Mathematics is one of the first things you learn in life. Even as a baby you learn to count. Starting from that tiny age you will start to learn how to use building blocks how to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. Through the years, and probably through the centuries, teachers have struggled to make math meaningful by providing students with problems and examples demonstrating its applications in everyday life. Now, however, technology makes it possible for students to experience the value of math in daily life, instead of just reading about it. Math is everywhere and yet, we may not recognize it because it doesn’t look like the math we did in school. Math in the world around us sometimes seems invisible. But math is present in our world all the time–in the workplace, in our homes, and in life in general. When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you’re using math principles. This presentation also, is prepared using the principles of math. Math applies to daily life, with sections on gambling odds, buying and leasing cars, population growth, decorating, and cooking. Most sections include hands-on activities. Formulas are a part of our lives. Whether we drive a car and need to calculate the distance, or need to work out the volume in a milk container, algebraic formulas are used every day without you even realizing it. Simply put, mathematics is about relationships. Mathematicians have developed a language of precise relationships, illustrated through their formulas and equations. We live in a world where so far, as we have observed, everything is related and everything is experienced as different. We can learn about relationships in our world by looking at mathematical relationships that seem to match the situation being explored. For instance there is a relationship between distance traveled, time of travel, and speed of travel. Mathematics provides a relatively simple equation: Distance traveled = average speed multiplied by time of travel In simpler mathematical terms, d = s x t Math involves data analysis, number relationships and graphing, patterns and functions, statistics, and measurement. People who use math in their work, it doesn’t occur that often that you’d need to calculate 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 or 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 x 0. 1 or other such calculations. One example of how math do kind of connect with our everyday lives: when we speak about square feet, square meters, square inches, square miles, square kilometers or any other area units, or when we speak about cubic feet, cubic meters, cubic centimeters or any other such volume units. If you talk about SQUARE shaped areas, for example if you say â€Å"My room is twelve by twelve square†, you’re meaning your room is 12 feet x 12 feet, or 122 square feet. I believe one reason that mathematics is not more generally applied has to do with a tendency to ‘think’ of mathematics only in terms of numbers, precision, quantification, and so on. We forget that mathematics is also about relationships, relatedness, relationships between relationships, interconnections, dependency (functions), changing relationships (calculus), factors that constitute relationships (variables), structure (order, relationships), asymmetric relationships (order), (graphical, numerical, and other representations (mapping), increase and decrease (addition, subtraction , multiplication, division, etc. ) and so on. The notion of a â€Å"function† is another mathematical tool we can apply to our everyday situations. Function in mathematics has to do with â€Å"relationships between variables – how a dependent variable changes when related variables change. In a simple equation y=3x, if we change the value of x, then y changes. Y is called the dependent variable, and x the independent variable. In other words the value of y depends on the value we give to x. And in this equation, we can give x any value we choose. In our everyday living, we do many things that are related to other things – although not as precisely as in mathematics – and we give values, assign meanings, and so on. Our whole living involves relationships. Our successes are a function of our efforts. The way others treat us is a function of how we behave towards them. Meanings, values, significance, understanding, etc. , are functions of ‘time’ – more specifically information available at a ‘time’. In a world where as far as we know everything is related, we can learn a lot about our everyday relationships by studying the approaches of a system that deals specifically with relationships. Variables and functions are only two examples of a vast number of other mathematics approaches we can apply to better understanding our everyday relationships. Math applies to daily life, with sections on gambling odds, buying and leasing cars, population growth, decorating, and cooking. Most sections include hands-on activities. One of the most complete and self-sufficient math units on the Web is Project Sky Math: Making Mathematical Connections — Using the Science and Language of Patterns to Explore the Weather. They study the history of weather prediction, develop symbol sets, prepare graphs, predict changes, solve problems, and discover rules. General semantics involves applying the methods of science and mathematics to our everyday living. For instance, if we ‘think’ of things – anything – in terms of the â€Å"variable†, we will come to realize that like the mathematical variable that is sometimes a higher value and sometimes a lower value, we should expect things and situations to change. Sometimes this change will occur in the way we like; other times not. Sometimes more than we expect, sometimes less. Sometimes we will observe no significant change. We can expect our moods and ‘feelings’ to vary. ‘Thinking’ in terms of the variable better prepares us to anticipate and manage changes in our lives. This could reduce a great deal of stress in our lives – stress related to our forgetting that thing-processes are not constants. Family, partners, friends, work situations, health, etc. , won’t stay the way we found them or the way we expect them to go. ‘Thinking’ in terms of the variable, we would expect variations in our lives, and situations to vary related to different ‘time’, ‘places’, contexts, and so on. It is important to keep in ‘mind’ that with regards to our everyday relationships, unlike mathematical equations, precision is not the important factor-variable here. Important factors involve recognizing relationships, interconnections, and â€Å"interdependencies†. An important factor is to be aware that we assign our own individual values to what we see, hear, read, and so on. We could avoid, or better manage many conflicts, by remembering variables and functions. There are lots of real uses of mathematics in our life. All the mathematics terms base on counting. Today our all businesses base on counting. There is no concept of business without mathematics. Before the mathematics rules people use barter system. They give their goods to others and take the goods from other people. But this system cannot continue longer when need of humans increased day by day. Now you can think that counting has vital role in our daily life, just imagine if there were no mathematics at all, how it would be possible for us to count days, months and years. There is a cost for everything that we may use or purchase from markets so what’s a cost? What are utility bills? What’s the ticket price? These are all applications of mathematics. We cannot deny the importance of mathematics in our daily life. When we got to shop to purchase something we need mathematics. When someone comes to our shop to purchase something we need calculations. There are many uses of mathematics in real life most likely in jobs like accounting, banking , store manager or just working at a simple fast food store. These are very simple applications of mathematics. Mathematics is at the core of all the communication technologies, it’s used in accounting, finance etc in short we are using mathematics in some form or another everywhere in our daily lives. But the most important use of mathematics in our technologies cannot be contradicted. Our most of the system base on computers and all the computer technology are stands on mathematical rules. All computers work on binary code, code of zero and one. So we cannot deny the importance of mathematics in real life. Everyday life would be quite difficult if you had no knowledge of math. To know what’s the time, the most precious thing. On a basic level you need to able to count your money, multiply, subtract and divide. You need knowledge of math if you want to work out how much material to buy for a job. More advanced mathematics is essential if you take up any kind of technical career such as engineering. Working on algebra and geometry also helps with reasoning skills and assists later in life with technical problem solving. Living your day to day life without maths would be extremely difficult. Even if you were a nomad in the desert you would want to count your goats, wouldn’t you? The key to opportunity These are the years of small beginnings until the day comes that you have to be able to do something as intricate as algebra. Math is the key that will unlock the door before you. Having the ability to do algebra will help you excel into the field that you want to specialize in. We live in a world where only the best succeed. Having the ability and knowledge to do algebra will determine whether you will take the short cut or the detour in the road of life. Prerequisite for advanced training Most employers expect their employees to be able to do the fundamentals of algebra. If you want to do any advanced training you will have to be able to be fluent in the concept of letters and symbols used to represent quantities. Science Moreover, it is also believed that ‘Mathematics is the mother of all sciences’. This also shows us that all the sciences that are evolved have a sound foundation in mathematics, if we go further in debate it would be justified to say that the blessings of all these modern sciences and technologies are only possible with mathematics. Mathematics is used as a problem solver in every field of science. Mathematics is playing a very important role in our daily lives. In fact mathematics is involved directly or indirectly wherever we go and every thing that we may use. When doing any form of science, whether just a project or a lifetime career choice, you will have to be able to do and understand how to use and apply the concepts of math. Analysis When it comes to analyzing anything, whether the cost, price or profit of a business you will need to be able to do math. Margins need to be set and calculations need to be made to do strategic planning and analyzing is the way to do it. Data entry What about the entering of any data. Your use of algebraic expressions and the use of equations will be like a corner stone when working with data entry. When working on the computer with spreadsheets you will need algebraic skills to enter, design and plan. Decision making Decisions like which cell phone provider gives the best contracts to deciding what type of vehicle to buy, you will use algebra to decide which one is the best one. By drawing up a graph and weighing the best option you will get the best value for your money. Interest Rates How much can you earn on an annual basis with the correct interest rate. How will you know which company gives the best if you can’t work out the graphs and understand the percentages. In today’s life a good investment is imperative. Writing of assignments When writing any assignments the use of graphs, data and math will validate your statements and make it appear more professional. Professionalism is of the essence if you want to move ahead and be taken seriously. Math is basically about solving problems and calculating different things. So if you are good in math, you are good at solving problems and calculating things first hand. Can you see the importance of algebra? Your day can be made a lot easier with planning. In financial decisions this can save you a lot of finances or maybe get you the best price available. It all comes down to planning and using the knowledge and algebraic skills you have to benefit your own life. Use the key you have and make your life a lot smoother. Mathematics is very important for life since it helps us to quantify all the visible and invisible things with which we are dealing in daily life. It is human nature that they do not have complete confidence in the subjective or relative things, in the modern day of today the objective things are preferred and trusted more than the subjective things. Mathematics helps us to have an objective view of the different things we are dealing with. It helps us in making calculations about the things which are not physically developed like for buildings before construction. Living a life unknowing ‘Maths’ would be living in random oblivion. Mathematics is primarily used for the purpose of scientific calculation of figures and objects. In real life the use of Mathematics can be applicable to every aspect, field, profession and subject etc. In IT field, in Statistics, in Accounts, in Algebra, in Geometry, for instance, Mathematics is used for calculating, multiplying, subtracting, division, differentiating, manipulating and managing the data in desired form. In other professions Mathematics can merely be used for the calculation of currency, recording the profits and loss. In ordinary life Mathematics can be used for the calculation of any specific or general sort. Concisely it can be said that Mathematics can be used for the authentic and scientific variation between and calculation of numbers, amounts, quantities etc; measurements of the frequencies of light and sound, of distance. Maths is all around us. It is present in different forms; it is very important that we take note of it. Things are measured or accurate due to maths. Mathematics has a prominent role to play in our daily life. We even didn’t realize that maths is involves in every sort of activities. Whenever we pick up the phone, manage the money, travel to some other place, unintentionally in all these things maths is involved. Another very simple application is calendar year. How we know that today is Tuesday? It was Thursday on May 1, 2012? It’s actually mathematics that gives/provides us all this information. Mathematics do play a big part in our daily lives. Mathematical functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and so on are used in our daily activities. From poor to rich , all have to some how use mathematics in their real lives. Consider a housewife, who has to run her house in the given budget. She divides money according to her needs and estimates about the expenses and then spends it according her range. From the advent of civilization, man learn to count using stones and beads. In the earliest civilization, barter-system was used. Now-a-days, all day to day transactions in a multi-national or national companies involve mathematical operations . The application of maths is seen every moment, right from the moment we wake up from bed in the morning till the moment we again go back to bed at night. As soon as we wake up, we first of all give a big yawn-that makes us think for how long we have yawned? –3 to 5 seconds? Here maths comes! Again when we look at the clock, we realise how late we have got up! –8:30 a. m! Here the part called Time of mathematics is put to focus. Even when we brush our teeth, we should know how much amount of toothpaste we must use–it’s written on the tubes that children below the age of 6 years should use only a pea-sized amount of it. Again, we must keep a track of how much time we have to take to brush our teeth. Then comes the time of studying.. we keep a regular routine of how long we must study a particular subject and i often hear my mom saying me. â€Å"You must keep a little extra time for Maths and Science.. â€Å"Then comes bathing—we take a certain amount of water which we can count in litres. Now if i have to go on saying for the whole day about the use of maths in real life, i would not be able to complete it in a day! The list is endless. Mathematics is very important for life since it helps us to quantify all the visible and invisible things with which we are dealing in daily life. It is human nature that they do not have complete confidence in the subjective or relative things, in the modern day of today the objective things are preferred and trusted more than the subjective things. Mathematics helps us to have an objective view of the different things we are dealing with. It helps us in making calculations about the things which are not physically developed like for buildings before construction. We do calculations and ensure if their design is safe or not, similarly mathematics helps us to plan things for future either is any production environment for products or services. It helps us to have an idea that how much earning or spending has been done and would it be beneficial to do a certain activity or not. In today’s world mathematics is being applied everywhere like in the economy of a country, construction of buildings, marking and evaluation of persons. It would be appropriate to say that mathem atics has helped a lot in achieving the fast speed life with all its comforts and delights If we are quick at mental arithmetic, it will help you a lot in saving hundreds of pounds or dollars in the supermarket. And if you have knowledge of statistics it will help you see through the baloney (non sense, lies) in television adverts or newspapers. You can also understand different kinds of information about the football or cricket team. Even simple maths equations are just around us, like spherical shapes of soap bubbles, ripples on the surface of water. Maths help engineer in making different shapes with geometrical shape the structure of the building was not possible. The beauty of maths is not only around us but a strong know how of maths help us in every day life too. Just start looking around you and you will find that how maths is help full to you in your life We do calculations and ensure if their design is safe or not, similarly mathematics helps us to plan things for future either is any production environment for products or services. It helps us to have an idea that how much earning or spending has been done and would it be beneficial to do a certain activity or not. In today’s world mathematics is being applied everywhere like in the economy of a country, construction of buildings, marking and evaluation of persons. It would be appropriate to say that mathematics has helped a lot in achieving the fast speed life with all its comforts and delights. Without math, one would not be able to function in the REAL world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. Without math, one would not be able to function in the real  world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. ‘ Without math, one would not be able to function in the real  world. We use math to purchase things we want, we use math to measure, tell time and so on. We all need the basics but having a more advanced knowledge in math such as geometry, algebra and metric system always helps. As they say knowledge is ‘priceless. ‘